
雅特力AT32 MCU導入Amazon Alexa,推動智能居家升級



2014年,亞馬遜推出了自有的智能語音助手Alexa,直接通過語音便可以下達指令,遠程控制實現居家智能化,簡單來說,Alexa就相當於智能居家系統的“大腦”。要實現這樣理想的智能居家系統,除了Alexa這樣的“中樞”,還必須通過底層的硬體-半導體晶片平臺去承載和實現,雅特力AT32F415系列MCU已實現支持亞馬遜的Amazon Connect Kit (ACK)功能,並在亞馬遜的官方產品智能調光開關批量量產。透過支持Alexa的智能音箱或APP應用程式,為牆面開關添加語音控制功能,從傳統開關輕鬆升級為智能開關。




1月5日,由亞馬遜雲科技(Amazon Web Service)和江西嘉捷鑫源科技有限公司(Innotech)主辦,上海浦東智能照明聯合會和深圳跨境電子商務協會協辦的《亞馬遜雲賦能智能家居生態高峰論壇》在深圳福田香蜜湖萬豪酒店舉辦。眾多行業夥伴歡聚一堂,深入探討雲端前沿科技,共謀企業實現雲端數位化創新與落地實踐,展望行業發展未來。雅特力作為戰略合作夥伴應邀參加此次峰會,副總經理黃呈俊和產品市場經理林金海先生作為代表出席活動,期待與行業夥伴共同打造智能居家生態體系。


Sales Contacts

PC Lee
Director of Sales Department
+886-3-577-8788 ext. 86303

News Contacts

Neil Huang
Marketing Department
+886-3-577-8788 ext. 86371

About Artery

ARTERY Technology 雅特力科技 is a professional creator and maker of 32-bit MCU founded in 2016, with branch offices in Chongqing, Shenzhen, Suzhou and Taiwan specialized in R&D, sales and technical service support. Since 2008, tens of millions of products have been put on the market and widely used in various fields covering 5G, IoT, consumer, business and industrial control, such as, micro printer, balance wheeler, three-axis handheld stabilizer, electronic whiteboard, fingerprint recognition, sweeping robot, optical flow drone, electric vehicle controllers, scooter and panel, stage lighting, thermal imager, LED advertising display, wall switches, INS, DVR, robot control and other terminal applications.
Thanks to the popularity of IoT and smart manufacturing, Artery will continue to place emphasis on the development of MCUs, and partner with 21ic, Chuangyizhan, Sekorm and other third-party platforms in response to the increasing demand of intelligent hardware, more importantly, to make a positive contribution to the building of the world-class industrial ecosystem!